Kaitlyn Pezzuti, founder and CEO of Your Dream Life Coaching LLC has over 4 years of coaching and mentorship experience, with multiple successful and profitable businesses as a result of her background in psychology, personal development, and her multiple investments into her own coaching, masterminds, and growth. Here's what her 1:1 mentorship entails:

"Spirituality and Life Coaches -- I SEE YOU. I know your mission on this planet and your ultimate dharma is to impact lives, help this human collective heal, overcome trauma, learn to love themselves and others, and create their dream lives... all while you're creating yours, doing what you love, and serving others. I'm personally inclined to help each and every one of you with a gift and talent to get your message out there, but I don't just work with anyone. I believe there are hundreds of thousands of coaches out there who could help you make thousands of dollars, grow your social medias, and help you run an ad or two... so if that's what you're looking for -- this may not be the spot for you!

My mission, on the other hand, is to help you create and run a deeply impactful, intentional business. One that not only allows YOUR light to radiate (and therefore opens you up to unlimited abundance, success, money, and fulfillment), but one that truly stands the test of time, growing and scaling, and never burning you out... because here, we take aligned action from a place of intuition, love, and are all about the MESSAGE, not the money (but believe me... when you focus on the message, the money comes - that's for damn sure).

IF YOU HAVE A GIFT AND MESSAGE THAT YOU NEED TO SHARE WITH OTHERS, that is what I'm here to help you achieve. I combine an understanding of YOU, on a deep spiritual level, a strong development of understanding YOUR personal mission, tools to help you unlock your intuitive powers, mindset work that unlocks a new layer of understanding of you, your dharma, your abilities, and your already innate perfection and abundance to help you achieve a wildly successful business and life -- YOUR DREAM LIFE. You know the mission, and the value you can bring to people's lives. Now it's time for me to help you get crystal clear on your gifts, services, offers, and uncover those limiting beliefs, help guide you and be a mirror to you as you grow into the successful soul-preneur you were born to be.

It's quite literally my mission to help YOU amplify your mission, because my impact expands every time I help you expand yours. We'll combine cosmic connection, my proven strategies, business tools, years of investing in mentorship, and methods to help you get your message in front of more people. This is how we cultivate the most magical chain reaction, offering our healing services, coaching, and love to clients across the world... we are stronger together.

I use my systems, strategies, social media experience, and coaching expertise to give you all of the tools necessary to not only succeed, attract your dream clients, and scale to your fullest desire and potential, but truly open the floodgates to your higher self and all of her desires... whilst wildly fulfilled, working from a place of true alignment with your soul's purpose... taking the guesswork out of the process, and building something beautiful and life changing for you and all your clients.

I SEE THE LIGHT IN YOU -- and now it's time for potential clients to see it too.

If you're ready to create the soul-inspired, impactful business of your dreams, Please fill out the following form!