Hi gorgeous,

I'm a starseed and light being, incarnated here on this earthly plane to be a guide and teacher to anyone I can serve, helping us complete our spiritual evolutions, become the highest, happiest, MOST ENLIGHTENED versions of ourselves, and ultimately create our dreams lives by living out our dharma's (soul's purpose) in this lifetime.

Creator, mentor, healer, entrepreneur, author, coach, and CEO of Your Dream Life Coaching LLC.

Nice to meet you! I'm Kate

"I always knew I was made for MORE, but I never knew what that "more" was... Now that I've uncovered it, I believe it is my divine purpose to help others discover the "more" THEY were made for."



Growing up, I felt vastly out of place no matter what I did. I couldn't relate to many friends, so I isolated a lot. I enjoyed being alone perhaps more than I did being around people. I felt anxious a lot of the time, not knowing why or with any particular cause, I just had this innate, deep internal feeling like I didn't belong here. Don't get me wrong, childhood was good for me... I had a great family who supported myself and my siblings, and I always strived for high achievements in everything I did... Of course I endured some struggles along with it -- weight gain, body image difficulty, and family issues that created some trauma and a ultimately a search for MORE. But overall, I got good grades, I had hobbies, a lovely boyfriend at the time, and I had a friend or two. But for some reason, I had this longing for something greater, even at an early age.

I remember getting to college and thinking "this can't possibly be IT, can it? Go to school your whole life, rack up debt, get a job you can tolerate (if you're lucky), and then work the remainder of your life to pay it off?" I wasn't having it.

It made no sense to me. I knew I wasn't put here to merely exist and glide through the motions. I somehow knew there were souls out there that I'd touch, something amazing I was made to create, and a life full of deep connection, love, adventure, and joy out there for me... I just had no idea how I'd begin embarking on achieving it yet. I watched closely as other men and women I admired built lives that appeared magical, unachievable... only that of what dreams were made of. Though I had no clue how I'd even get close to touching a lifestyle like what I admired, I knew I had to start somewhere. First, I embarked on a weight loss and self-love journey, one where I lost over 50 lbs, learned proper nutritional habits, and completely fell back in love with myself.

There, I discovered my passion for wellness -- and changed my major to nutrition and exercise science where I immersed myself in learning everything I could about the body, our health, eating disorder recovery, and achieving peak wellness in all physical areas. Little did I know this would be the gateway that unlocked it all for me...


My junior year of college, I was semesters deep into my studies, and as all of my peers were jumping into jobs, internships, and you name it... I still had not a clue as to what I wanted to do with my career or life. I felt so disconnected from any desire to work in my field... or any field at that matter.

Then, I went home for spring break March of 2020... and never got to go back to school in person (COVID-19 to thank for that). Interestingly, while COVID may not have been a blessing, completing my degree online and having to isolate was a major pivotal point for me in my life. I became OBSESSED with personal growth during this time, because I had all the time in the world to do it. When I wasn't studying or taking exams, I was reading books, watching old Tony Robbins seminars, searching for YouTube videos or documentaries on growth, business, success, and studying how to create a better life for myself. That same year, I found my first business online, my first mentor, and began taking clients online who were interested in my fitness help.

Since gyms were closed during this time, and there was a community of men and women looking for help in keeping up with their health, I decided to release programs for home-based exercise opportunities, that turned unexpectedly into a whole business where people were seeking my help, and I began connecting the dots... I can do THIS for a living. Helping people step into more confidence, get healthier, and fall in love with themselves felt amazing, and things began aligning. I continued as a health coach until May of this past year, where I realized... there was still "more" I was made to do... and this is where things got difficult, confusing, and painful.

I felt my world turn upside down

My TRUE turning point...

Just as I thought everything was falling into place: moving into my dream apartment in a dream location, living with my partner of 8 years, business running smoothly, money in the bank, and traveling freely...

I found out quickly, the universe had other plans. After some confusion, hard decisions, and a period of struggles, I found myself in a LOT of credit card debt, feeling misaligned with my business and beginning to burn out, and decided it was time to leave my relationship of 8 years... setting my world and everything I knew it to be up in flames. Though I tried to continue staying strong for my clients and my business, things crumbled. I went into a dark depression, and found myself being forced to embark on a healing journey where I'd reconnect with parts of myself I forgot existed, and uncover parts of myself I never knew were there to begin with.

I healed the inner child in me I didn't know needed healing, I danced, cried, laughed, wailed, screamed, laid on my bathroom floor with panic attack after panic attack, attended spiritual events, ceremonies, community healings, surrounded myself with friends, asked for help when I needed it, called my mom sobbing, sat by the beach, stared at the stars, let rain soak my body feeling nothing at all, spent a lot of time in nature, meditated, prayed, and went through hell and back... and it all began making sense slowly but surely.

Things weren't falling apart... the universe was simply pushing me to purge the parts of me I could no longer continue to allow as I stepped into this next, more enlightened version of myself. A version of myself with a greater mission, bigger purpose, more responsibility, and a powerful message to share.

"It became abundantly clear that what I thought was everything I'd built falling apart before my eyes... was actually just the puzzle pieces perfectly aligning together. I couldn't see it at the time, but the universe was simply answering the prayers I'd been sending my whole life, and preparing me for the next chapter."

The Dream Life Coach idea came to me in a dream

Suddenly, the answers all began presenting themselves. I had done the work, I had healed, I made the conscious effort to begin becoming everything I had once only dreamt of being. After a period of immense pain and confusion, I fully released control and learned to trust the universe. I then attracted answers and clarity as to my next business move, I downloaded and channeled divine intuitions about how to help others with my gifts, ideas for content, my podcast, my plan to pay off my debt, and more.

The idea for Your Dream Life Coaching and transitioning from health coaching to full blown life and business coaching (with pillars including spirituality, mindset, career and finance, health and wellness, and more) came to me in a dream, and was confirmed through meditation when I felt an overwhelming YES from the universe around this being the next move for me. I stopped overworking myself and instead surrendered to full trust that everything would work out, and it was there, over those life-changing 4-6 months, that I manifested and attracted all of the answers, people, inspirations, and tools I needed to begin creating the life of my dreams, and step into someone who could help others build theirs.

I began allowing the universe to speak through me, and launched my podcast: Your Dream Life Coach

My mission became about reaching as many people as possible -- setting out with the intention of healing, guiding, and sharing experiences to help anyone who wishes to, evolve and grow into their higher selves. I learned that the best way to reach success, is to do so TOGETHER, where we may not have yet "made it", but can help one another right alongside each other. The goal is to build a community so vastly strong and committed to making their dreams a reality, that together our light and message that ANYTHING is possible shines bright and inspires everyone around us. It's THAT kind of love that changes the world.


Once I realized I felt called to help others and step into my desired role as a mentor and coach to serve others and build a wildly successful business, I joined Rob Dial's Business Breakthrough Program, where I made over $10,000 in just 30 days, in my first few months as a coach. This lit a fire in me. I qualified for and joined his group of Elite Coaches where I grew and developed even more, which played a GIANT factor in where I am today. Through investing in myself, my future, and doing the constant work to uncover my mission and reconnect to my soul, I got where I am TODAY, with a realization of my powerful mission and call from the Universe to help others share their light, and not only build a meaningful, intentional, and abundant life for themselves -- but to teach them how to do the same for others. THIS... this is where the true story of my heart's mission truly begins.

NOW, here I am.

Now, I've attracted the man and relationship of my dreams, a growing business, abundance, alignment, and a true connection to my soul that's allowing me to carve out the life that is made for me, the life that will guarantee I become my higher self, I experience true fulfillment, freedom, and bliss.

It's not something that can necessarily be explained, only EXPERIENCED... a knowingness that comes along with finding your passion and your mission. A calmness and contentment that's achieved through doing the grounding and healing work that connects you to your soul, and then taking the aligned action in accordance with what you receive from that.

I have big plans for Your Dream Life Coach LLC, but for now... that's most of my story up through real time, the rest you'll have to wait and see, and join the journey alongside me, hopefully allowing me to guide you in some capacity, and connecting so that we may support each other on this beautifully crazy journey of the human experience.

now it's your turn...


Undoubtedly, if I could do this... you can too. The Kate I was a year ago wouldn't believe the Kate I am today, and I want you to know wholeheartedly YOU can do the same.

My mission here is now to take the experience and lessons I've been presented, and this journey I've been on, to guide you on yours... and hopefully make it even a bit more seamless, joyful, meaningful, and fulfilling as you begin cultivating the life (and business) you so greatly deserve and desire.

You are absolutely worthy and capable of building a life wilder than you could’ve once ever imagined. You are no different than me, nor anyone else. Those individuals you admire are reflections, mirrors of what you CAN and WILL become, so long as you choose to see it as a sign. You’re only drawn to and exposed to things that are meant for you. Your desires are intuitions, guiding you towards what your soul so greatly wants you to achieve… what your soul knows is the mission and purpose it came here to complete.

Now that you know me and my story, I cannot WAIT to be a part of yours. Whether you dabble in my podcast or social media first, or decide to join me in one of my programs or 1:1 mentorship experiences, I look forward to watching you flourish into everything you're meant to be, and helping you create YOUR DREAM LIFE.

with so much love,

Kaitlyn Pezzuti


To inspire you to inspire others through creating the life, business, and reality of your dreams

With over 4 years of mentorship, coaching, and business experience, Kate's own life experience and healing journey, as well as a handful of investments, courses, coaches, and mastermind attending -- Your Dream Life Coaching LLC is a space you can trust putting your time and energy into.

Whether your goal is to build a business from the soul, learn to tap into your intuition, cultivate more joy through feminine flow and creativity, learn to identify with your higher self, or simply get guidance on how to pivot to your aligned path... You have a safe space to come and learn, grow, and FLOURISH here.

Here, our mission is to help you find your soul, act from a place of true alignment, realize your truest potential, and begin living it out.

Our coaching and programs are an accumulation of all the knowledge, experience, tools, mentorship, and investments we've made over the years condensed into digestible and spiritually infused lessons you can implement into your life to align, grow, and thrive, becoming the higher self you've been striving to be.

Each program, course, or 1:1 opportunity are designed to allow you to become so, very in-tune with your inner wisdom, and to remember your innate perfection, so that you unlock all of the answers, inspiration, and ideas that already live within you.

Here's some fun facts/things you might not know about me yet:











Where and How I Had My Spiritual Awakening

During February of 2021, I packed up from Tampa Florida and spontaneously moved to Tulum, MX for a month -- where I lived like a local and immersed myself in a whole new experience. While it was a beautiful vacation, it also taught me the most out of any travel experience, or experience in general at that point in time. I had to connect with myself on a deeper level, I attended my first few deep spiritual ceremonies, and went through a "rebirth" practice of ancient Mayan culture, where I can trace back my awakening. My love for travel and curiosity about this world has surely sparked my passion for life and been the catalyst to much of my growth and spiritual evolution.

Since then, I've been on a mission to see as much of this planet as I can possibly see during this lifetime, as I continue to uncover more about myself with each new place I go.

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory